Time to Mend

It has been a busy couple of weeks. In my last practice in Florida, I pulled a hip flexor. I still traveled to Boston in an attempt to run at Indoor Nationals. After seeing my Chiropractic Consultant in NH, Dr. Brian Bigelow, he taped my injured areas with kinesiology tape, an amazing tool  (see photo), and said to give it a shot. I ran a couple of laps, but felt the hip was tearing more so I stepped off the track. It was the right move as I have a big event to prepare for starting with our heavy training in May. I have not had many injuries in my life. It is tough to get me to slow down, but I will let things mend over the next couple of weeks.

On my return to Florida, Brendan Brazier, who formulated the vegan products that I use everyday called Vega, was in Sarasota speaking about his new book, Thrive Fitness. I am sponsored by Vega and appreciate Brendan’s work in creating great products for all of us to benefit from in our nutritional intake. The Vega Optimizer is a complete whole food meal replacement made exclusively from natural, plant-based ingredients, Vega is an ideal meal for people on the go, providing high quality convenient nutrition without compromises. Vega features 25g of complete protein, essential fatty acids, fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, enzymes and a full dose of ChlorEssence and MacaSure in every serving.


I had three talks scheduled after the race in New England on my new book, Creating Amazement. I had the chance to speak to 1000 kids at my old middle school in NH on the topic of short-term and long-term goal setting. It was a great experience sharing our message.

Running Stretches

In this training video, I am working with my trainer, Juan Ruiz Tagle. These are some of the stretches that I use in my post workout. After training or competition is the best opportunity to elongate muscle tissue. These exercises are not used as a warm-up, but as a cool down.

After suffering from Achilles tendinitis and plantar fasciitis in late 2008 and early 2009, I added these moves into my program.This video shows some of  stretches that I do to protect and stretch my lower extremities. I can continue to do these diligently throughout The SmoothToe New England Marathon…One Mile At A Time. I hope these stretching exercises help you develop greater flexibility.

Hot Rock Massage

One of the BIG reasons why I am recovering so well after each mile race has been the massage work of Sandra Bello at Body Destinations in Tyngsboro, MA. www.bodydestinations.com. Sandra has introduced me for the first time to the attributes of a hot rock massage. A hot rock massage quickly detoxes my muscles and heats up the area allowing Sandra to get in and do her healing work. She has been professional, dedicated, and resourceful.

Check out this video about the value of a hot rock massage. You might just recover better than ever…

Advanced Stretching (Functional Flexibility)

How should you finish any workout for any sport? The answer is Functional Flexibility! This video shows how I finish my day. Check out this video with the 3D Stretching routine. It is the best way for your body to find restoration and recovery. Functional Flexibility is against gravity, free from artificial stability, using multiple joints, multiple muscle groups, with 3 dimensions, and in 10 directions.

With the use gravity, doorways, medicine balls, dumbbells, and tubes, there is elongation without pain. It is the most incredible way to stretch your way to improved flexibility. This is an advanced stretching routine, but one that anyone can do.

Functional Flexibility is mobility and stability training that is done with a specific purpose, and it is done in a three-dimensional and multi-directional way against gravity, so we don’t over stretch and cause instability and tissue damage.

is how effectively and efficiently our body moves throughout the range of motion.

Stability is how well we can control that mobility and our body in a three-dimensional and in a multi-directional way.

Remember: Too much flexibility will cause instability.

I only do these exercises after I am done with my training/running. When my muscles are warm and the lactic acid has been produced, I do these three-dimensional moves to elongate my muscles. I do not look to elongate my muscles before I train or compete. I use the lunge matrix, squats, and balance reaches to mobilize my muscles and joints and get them ready to fire.
I hope you enjoy this new way of finishing your workouts. It will give you the confidence before you get in your car to drive home that you have cooled down properly and efficiently.

The Machine That Lengthens Muscle Tissue

One of the ways that I used to treat my Achilles tendon injury was visiting Meilus Precision Therapy in Sarasota, FL. I wrote a blog back in January about my initial visit to the Meilus clinic. This entry is a follow-up discussing how I repaired my injury and got back to training.

 Dave Wallwork, the clinical director, helped me mend the muscles and tendons in my lower extremities. This revolutionary “robotic arm” is able to go deep in the muscle tissue without pain. The therapy takes shortened, hard muscles and lengthens them.

Here is a photo of Dave Wallwork and I before our last session:

Here is a photo of the robot on my Achilles tendon as I was seeking to break up any adhesions that occurred from my injury:

For better performance and quicker recovery, please visit Dave Wallwork’s website at www.sarasotameilustherapy.com for more information. The following video shows how the robotic arm pressed on my leg and Achilles tendon, but it is also works wonders on the lengthening the muscles around the hips, shoulders, and back.

Next week I will again share one of my new training exercises…until then safe travels.