Add this medicine ball routine to your core workouts. Using a 4-6 pound medicine ball, be certain to keep your back in neutral at all times. Remember, strong muscles do not protect the disks in your back. Great form and technique will.
Add this medicine ball routine to your core workouts. Using a 4-6 pound medicine ball, be certain to keep your back in neutral at all times. Remember, strong muscles do not protect the disks in your back. Great form and technique will.
i have been doing some exercises that i havent did before i hope they help me. But i
will check out what you do to i have looked at my form when im running, I dont know
really how its supposed to be but maybe thats a big part of runing better to. well looking
forward to your blog next week. And congrats on your runing your definately a hero in my
book thanks for the emails i appreciate it