Before arriving in Agra, India I was experiencing a slight fever in Chennai. Then things intensified in Agra as the fever continued and diarrhea followed. We finally called the doctor to the hotel last evening as my situation was not improving. He checked out my symptoms and confirmed that it was not malaria or dengue fever (two of our concerns), but was indeed a bacterial infection with something I ate or something on my hands when I rubbed my eyes. The doctor has put me on a five day cycle of antibiotics, electrolytes, etc.
We have again moved our Taj Mahal race for a few days until September 2nd giving me an opportunity to get my strength back. Then we will travel to the Middle East and race on September 10th (this date is set and cannot be moved as I am racing a mile of the Petra Marathon).
We will be patient and let my body mend over the next few days…
Sorry you are not well in India. What a bummer. Hope you get better soon. I am here in Vizag my home town from CA. I will be in Blore and then Bombay and I head back on Oct 7. Please email me your tel number so I can call you up. Or better still call me when you can at 80081 66681, it is my mobile while I am here.Love, Gita
Dave, hope you’re feeling better soon! Our best to you and Sekyen. Safe travels.
With love,
The Farrellys
Hope you are recovering quickly. Hang in there. Best of luck in Agra.